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martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Learner profile:
Hi, my name’s Pedro. I’m 19 years old and live in Trujillo, in a very beautiful city in the south Perù. I’m a student at University National of  Trujillo (UNT). I study education primary I’m in my fourth year, but  to holiday I study English on Sunday  because is the most language important of world and I need it for my course, but in April star my classes at university, but I go to follow with the English, life here in Trujillo is good.
Now, I’m in the first post of my career professional, I’m very happy.
I like my classes very much and I like travel, too.
I’m not married ,but I had my girlfriend but finish because only my time is for my study, after I will have my girlfriend, when I will be a true professional .
In my free time I read and study very much because now   there’s very much competition and I also practice mathematics, because is my favorite matter I love the numbers.
I don’t watch TV very often, but I like listen to music in English and of course! I sometimes go to city Centre.
I’d like some have friends for internet line.
My e-mail is: leo_6_10@hotmail.com.
I want to write people who study English and live a different country to me.